Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Kubernetes is Anti-DevOps

(bias warning: I think Kubernetes is basically cancer)

So over the last 10 years or so there's been this whole DevOps... movement... thing. The industry got the idea into its collective head that developers should participate in the operation of the software that they build, that operators should adopt practices from development like using source control, and that in general development and operations should work more closely. In the limiting/idealized case, developers are the operators and there's no organizational separation at all.

In general this was a good idea! Developers who have ops responsibilities build software that is more operable, and operators became more effective by using source control and programming languages better than /bin/bash.

There has also been a lot of pretense and bullshit. Companies have undertaken "DevOps transformations" and crap like that which ultimately accomplished nothing at all. System Administrators have had their titled changed to "DevOps Engineers" with zero change in responsibilities or organizational structure. Any company that uses the cloud has declared that they "do DevOps" and left it at that.

And then there's Kubernetes.

Kubernetes runs containers, containers means Docker, and Docker is super DevOps, right?? Yeah, about that...

An interesting thing about containers is they simplify deployment. If I have a Python program that depends on a specific interpreter version and specific versions of a few dozen libraries, I need to be able to manage the deployment target to make sure all that important stuff is there. But if I package it in a container, now it's a singular artifact that I can plop down anywhere and just docker run that action (so the theory goes, anyway).

That simplified deployment can act as an inter-organizational interface. This is a fancy way of saying that it enables that practice we all just decided was bad: developers throwing their code over the wall to be ops' problem. And once they start doing that, the next step is overly complicated systems of containers with elaborate dependencies on each other, and now you need "container orchestration".

Kubernetes thus becomes the icing on the anti-DevOps cake. In theory it enables all this flexibility and solves all these container orchestration problems (that, it should be noted, we didn't have at all just 5 short years ago). In reality it's a hyper-complex operations layer that requires a handful of specialists in order to use at all.

Kubernetes does nothing for the developer, but nor does it hurt the developer. Being just an execution substrate, Kubernetes is irrelevant to the developer. Thus in their ordinary course of business, a developer would have no need to learn and understand how it works. Nor would it be efficient for them to do so, given Kubernetes' off-the-charts complexity. It's reasonable for, say, a Java developer to learn how to manage the JVM as a runtime and what it takes to deploy applications with it. By comparison, learning Kubernetes is like learning how to run an entire private cloud: simply not something it's worth a developer's time to do.

So ultimately, adopting Kubernetes is about the most anti-DevOps move you could make as a software organization. The wall between dev and ops that we've spent the last decade tearing down is going right back up, and we'll set about throwing our code over it. Enjoy!

This all doesn't make the argument as clearly as I would like but hey this is my blog and I get to rant if I want.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why Engineers Are Grumpy


A near-perfect explanation of why engineers are grumpy and say "no" all the time.