Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday Assorted Links 2019-10-03
Bird managed to lose ~$100M in Q1 on revenue of only ~$15M. Despite that I guess they managed to raise a bunch more money. For some reason The Verge parrots (get it?) Bird's claims about the lifespan of its new scooter models. I get that you can project 15 months of life based on testing, but when the things have only been on the street for 1-4 months you need to say it's a projection.
The McRib is coming back. Does that mean Chipotle Chorizo is next? That wacky theory that McRib runs have something to do with pork futures always struck me as crazy enough to be true.
Assertion: Agile Process Bullshit is about legibility, in the Seeing Like A State sense.
Look, I get what you're trying to do here, but it's not working. "Let's implement a basic data structure and a sorting algorithm!" is such a Haskell programmer thing to do. If I mostly write code in [general purpose language] I don't need those things, because they're in the standard library, or a popular-consensus third party library.

I think programmers frequently forget just how different other kinds of programming are from whatever it is they do. Web programming is not game programming is not systems programming is not embedded programming is not kernel programming is not [et cetera]. Speaking as a web/data guy, showing me how awesome your thing is at foundational data structures / algorithms stuff is just 100% irrelevant, because I will never implement those things myself.

Ask HN: Who Wants To Be Fired?
You think your job sucks? Reading this is gonna make you feel better.

Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 pre-order
What they want for extra RAM and disk is fucking reprehensible. It's three hundred dollars to go from 128GB to 256GB. Buying 128GB of NVMe at retail is like forty bucks. A nice 1TB NVMe drive can be had for $170. They know this. They know 8GB/128GB is for suckers, and that almost everyone will upgrade. It's Apple-style price anchoring. The margins on this must be fantastic for Microsoft.

...I may buy one anyway.
Every time I'm in Westfall someone is having this argument and it drives me nuts.